Fotos que me mando Veronica.  Pictures Veronica sent me. 

Mi tia Veronica, mi primo Isaac, hijo de mi tia Yolanda, y mi prima Perla, hija de mi tia Veronica.




Mot in front of one of the murals they're painting in Mexico. 


Coincidentally, I came across my mother's youngest sister's address while looking through some of my mother's papers.  I wrote a letter and she got it!  We started communicating via email.  Long story short, Mot found them while he was in Mexico City.  He was painting not far from their home.  Veronica (mom's youngest sister), Mot and Veronica's daughter, Perla (my cousin).  Veronica is only a couple/few years older than me and Mot is older than my cousin. 


Veronica , Mot, Perla


Mot and Perla in the Zocalo in Mexico City.


Veronica and Perla. 


Mot, Perla and Manuela (another of my mother's sisters).  My mother was the oldest of 5 girls.  Manuela was second oldest. 


Watching Mexican Idol at Manuela's house.  That's the same tablecloth that was there last time I was there in the early 90's and before that in 1980 and before that in 1972!


Manuela and Mot. 


Mot and Manuela. 



Pictures of my family that I posted for my family in Mexico.  You can also go to 1998 Scrapbook, The Ayalas from or to see all my siblings.  Only Jazmin is missing.


Boobie, my youngest sister. 




Chico y Lennox, Boobie's children.


Chico y Lennox


My brother, Little, and Jazmin, my niece (Eme's daughter). 


My sister, Boobie, and Lexi, my nephew (Nena's son). 


My sister Nena, her husband Bob, Adalia (Boobie's husband's niece - sobrina de Eugenio), my sister Boobie, my brother Chacho

Boobie, Chacho, Eme


Jazmin (Eme's daughter). 

Lexi (Nena's son).


Jasmine Webb, hija de Eme.  Tiene 4 anos.  Tambine tiene Olivia. 


Boobie y Eme.


Chacho y Boobie.

Manuel, Lina (my daughter), Danielle y Brianna.  Manuel, Danielle y Brianna son primos de mis hijos mayores.  The others are Lina and Mot's cousins on their dad's side. 


Mi familia.  Mike, Natalie, Nicolas y yo. 


Mis hijos.  Nicolas y Miguel (Mot).


Mi hija, Lina. 


Mi hija, Natalie. 


Yo y Mot. 


Nene, Baby y Mom.



Mas photos de mi familia: